Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Extreme delay

Sorry for the extreme delay for awhile. When we got home from our honeymoon, I immediately (within four hours) got on a plane to Ann Arbor so that I could help the firm recruit University of Michigan law students. I came back the next night, and Matt and I hurriedly did work around the apartment and made trips to the DMV before we left to visit my mom in Iowa. We arrived in Cedar Falls late on Thursday night, and enjoyed my mom's delicious BBQ dinner before retiring to bed. The next morning Matt and I spent awhile picking up my dad's old dining room table and chairs and stuffing them in our rented van. When we finally managed that, we went to the social security administration office so I could get a new card. We visited my grandma in the afternoon, hung out with my neighbors and had dinner in the evening, and then went to bed early so that our 5:30 a.m. leaving time wouldn't be so harsh.

Our road trip back was a bit harried, but we made it back to watch the end of the depressing Michigan/Appalachia State game and for the whole depressing ND/Georgia Tech game. Matt and I decided we needed a new team to cheer for this year, and we've chosen the University of Iowa. Go Hawks! (At least they won on Saturday.) We spent Sunday working around the house, and yesterday went to the Cubs/Dodgers game with Meg and Chuck. We planned a delicious dinner and I set our new table for the first time... unfortunately, we came home to a broken air conditioner. It was so hot we had to eat outside on our porch with the mosquitos. Hopefully that will get fixed asap.

More updates soon!


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