Saturday, June 28, 2008

Busy morning

Today I felt very cosmopolitan. I went out on a run in my neighborhood, running up Clark Street to Wrigley Field, through the Saturday late-morning crowds. I ran by the Halsted Gay and Lesbian Pride setup (can't wait to watch the outrageous parade tomorrow), and stopped at the farmer's market to pick up sweet peas for me, sweet cherries for Matt, and some beautiful flowers for the house.

Last night Kate and Steve were in visiting from Minneapolis. We went to a fantastic dinner at Moto, and I think we all liked the incredible creations Chef put together. This evening we plan to have deep-dish pizza. How can you visit Chicago without having deep-dish?

Well, the answer is, you can't.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Visit me here, too

For those of you who don't know, Matt and I are busy walking around Chicago. Feel free to read about our (non) adventures at that blog.

An ode to the tan MnM

I just realized I have no clue how to properly type M-n-M. M & M? M and M? Em and mmm?

The other day, in a fit of late night hunger at the office, I purchased a pack of these lovely candies at the vending machine down the hall. As usual, I dumped them out and started sorting them by color, and then began eating them one by one until I had an even number of colors. (Is that weird? I kind of assume everyone does that, but the more I learn about other people, the more I realize how strange I may be.)

While I enjoy the lovely spectrum made by the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and brown candies, I miss the old colors. For those of you who don't remember, the old M & Ms didn't have a blue -- they had a tan instead. And when you emptied those candies onto the counter, they always looked a little strange. Red, orange, yellow, green... tan and brown? But something about it just seemed right. My new M & Ms look so balanced and proper. I miss the tan.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Nike + iPod

I got myself an iPod today, which I'm pretty excited about. I borrowed Matt's for my run this morning and realized how much more fun I have during a run when I have the right music on.

Now I'm curious about the Nike + iPod shoes. I can't quite figure out what these things do. Does anyone out there have them? Do you like them? I thought it played different music based on your speed... but I can't figure that out by googling. It seems that maybe it just reports your workout results?

Comments appreciated!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Playing with fire

It started with some browsing on Craigslist. Matt would casually check out the "condos/houses for sale" section when he had some free time and was interested. When he found something special, he'd show it to me to see what I thought.

Things progressed from there. As we walked around different neighborhoods, we began noticing open houses. We resisted as long as possible before finally giving in and walking in.

We took the next step together earlier this week. We saw a place we liked so much that we actually made an appointment to see it. Yes, even though we have a lease for the next year, and we're just beginning to save up for a down payment, we've made a date to look at a condo. What is wrong with us? Has anyone else been wooed by the lure of real estate before they were truly ready?