Saturday, January 14, 2006

Being a grouch is no fun!

Combining overactive hormones and paper writing: not a good idea. I have done some first-hand research of this toxic combination over the last two days, and can report that it results in a messy room, a grumpy attitude and unnecessarily griping at one's very nice boyfriend. I can't wait until I turn this paper in so I can enjoy the beginning of the semester in peace!

Apart from that, the weekend has been nice. Boyfriend Matt and I watched the movie Knots with friends last night, and it wasn't bad. (Meredith and Mary also enjoyed it, Alex didn't!) Afterwards we headed to Nick and DD's party, where I experienced an awesome game for the first time. It's kind of like Dance Dance Revolution (DDR for those in the know ;-)) but instead of dancing, you're playing the guitar. I did pretty well with my song, but Boyfriend Matt kicked butt playing Smoke on the Water. He hit 98% of the notes on his first try!

On the queue for tonight: Matt is cooking one of the great Omaha Steaks he got from my mom for his birthday with grilled onions and sweet potatoes. As of right now, I'm on page 9 of paper writing - hopefully I'll be on ten or eleven before I leave for dinner at his place!

P.S. What is the classical piece used in the intro of the Beastie Boy's Intergalactic? It's driving me crazy. How could I recognize that tune as the Beastie Boys and not Stravinsky or whomever it is?


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