Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Things that happened

2006 was a pretty exciting in year; in fact, it was perhaps the best yet! The highlights, in chronological order:

--Matt and I took a grand road trip to the Fiesta Bowl, on the way visiting Burns, Nicole, Tommy, Jen, Liz, my grandma, Chuck and Meg.
--I went on an awesome spring break trip to Florida with Anna and Adrienne.
--Adrienne and I completed a 10K and a half marathon - slowly, but awesomely.
--Matt and I moved to Chicago, living together, just the two of us, for the very first time.
--Matt's sister Carrie had a baby, Nathan. Now we are an aunt and an uncle !
--Matt, Choi and I went to dinner at Alinea, one of the best new restaurants in the country, if not the world.
--The kind folks at Neal, Gerber and Eisenberg gave me a real life job offer.
--I accepted said real life job offer, and will begin working as an associate in their health care department in September 2007.
--Matt and I got engaged! and set a wedding date for August 2007.
--Matt and I had a delicious dinner at the French Laundry, one of the best restaurants in the world.
--I took a trip to the west coast in August with Matt and other friends, checking two more states off of my list (Oregon and Washington).
--I was a bridesmaid in my dear friend Emily's wedding in Chicago. She and her husband Jeff are now expecting a baby, too.
--My dad and Melissa got married in Las Vegas in December, and Matt and I went out to celebrate with them!

In addition, we visited other friends and family, friends and family came to visit us, Matt graduated and passed the bar exam, and we spent a lot of lazy nights cooking dinner or laying around in front of the TV.

Hope you all had great 2006s, too. Next post will be my goals for 2007!


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