Saturday, June 30, 2007

I like where we are here

I had a good day. This morning, I slept in and got up around nine. I cleaned up around the house and ran important errands -- the post office, the library. I came back, grabbed my books and headed over to the new organic deli across the street from our house. Had a great basic bagel with chive cream cheese and studied the rest of the morning away.

This afternoon I settled in to work on my wedding scrapbook, do a little more cleaning, write some thank you notes and study some more. Leftover pizza and salad made for a great dinner. I chatted with my mom and Meg, and saw a picture of my dad's brand new puppy (super cute). Then, out of nowhere, I had some sort of desire to go on a run. Before it passed, I threw on my running clothes and jogged out of the house.

I've never been a really natural runner. I love the social aspects of running, and even some of the competitive aspects of it. But I'm not big on running just for the fun of it, so it's pretty rare that I run on my own -- either I can't find the motivation, or the time, or I'm not in shape enough. But today it happened: I went on a 30 minute run, and it was all fun. Maybe it was finding my ipod shuffle buried in a drawer and stocking it with good running music, or maybe it was the weather. I'm not going to question it. But now I'm going to stretch a bit!


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