Tuesday, May 09, 2006


The last of Boyfriend Matt's family left this afternoon, and I finally tackled all of the projects I've had sitting around. One of these projects is to write and print up the invitation for Former-Roommate-Emily's bridal shower. FRE's sister-in-law-to-be lives in Ann Arbor and graciously offered to help me stuff and address the invitations; I was quite grateful for her offer.

However, when she knocked on my door at 4:30 today, I was a bit surprised. I had somehow imagined that we were meeting tomorrow. I later checked our e-mails; she was totally right that we were supposed to meet today. However, we couldn't do anything: I hadn't even gotten the invitations printed yet. What an idiot. FRE's SILTB kindly agreed to come back tomorrow at the same time to write the invitations, but I can't help feel like a bonehead. How do you apologize for being such a dork? (My thought: fresh apple pie?)


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