Friday, August 11, 2006

Back in the Arb

Boyfriend Matt and I left Chicago on Sunday! Just before we left, we had a fantastic firm dinner at Cafe Ba-Ba-Reeba. It turns out that if you dress up nicely and provide people with a lot of alcohol, everyone will participate in salsa dancing lessons. Who knew? We also got to spend some time with my friend Meg and her family when we went to see Meg's sister Claire's fantastic play. If you're in Chicago, you should check it out - this is it's last weekend! Claire is the star of the play, Ismene, and she plays the character beautifully and convincingly. Finally, we hit up a few good restaurants, including Manny's and our favorite, the Bongo Room.

After moveout, we spent a few days in my hometown of Cedar Falls, Iowa. My mom took us out to my favorite restaurant, Montage, and my dad had a BBQ at his home for his co-workers. Matt and I were able to help out in the kitchen. While home, we spent our free time planning our trip to Napa - we leave in a week!

Now Matt is in Vegas with the boys and I am back in Ann Arbor until I leave for our trip on Monday. When we get back from our trip, Matt is moving in with me and my roommate Jenny moves out to start working in Chicago. So I'm spending the next three days trying to change "my" apartment into "our" apartment. I'm not sure how to do this, really. Here are my efforts so far:

--Painting a wall in our living room dark red (accent wall!)
--Installing one of those magnetic knife things he has always wanted
--Hanging up some of his pictures on the walls
--Getting some more photos printed up of us and our friends

Does anyone out there have any suggestions? I want to do my best to really make this our place and not just my place.