Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Made it to Seattle!

Matt and I made it to Seattle yesterday. Our friends Mary and Jeremy picked us up at the airport and took us for a relaxing lunch in their Capitol Hill neighborhood. The restaurant has a good theme: it changes featured country (and decorations, and food) every couple of months. When they moved to town, it was Greek. Now, it's Costa Rican!

We lazed around for awhile and then spent the late afternoon kayaking around Lake Union with Mary and Jeremy and two of their other friends. After that, we felt like we earned our dinners of fish tacos (me) and fish and chips (Matt). We spent the evening watching the finale of Hell's Kitchen, and crashed on the air mattress.

Today we have big plans, involving a trip to downtown and the Pike Market, an underground tour, and coffee at the first Starbucks. Tonight we're meeting other great friends, my old roommate Erin and her husband, Greg, and JoeBre and his wife, Stephanie, for dinner at the Thai restaurant where JoeBre and Stephanie had their rehearsal dinner. Yum.


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